BS1 [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight

NHK BS1 2020.04.13 14:00 – 14:28 (28分)


NHK World [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight
A Mixed Blessing: A World Heritage City in Uzbekistan

NHK World 2020.03.20 10:30 – 11:00 / 16:30 – 17:00 / 19:30 – 20:00 / 28:30 – 29:00 (JST)

The city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan, has over 2,500 years of history. Today, Samarkand is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, thanks to its status as a “cultural crossroads.” Beginning in 2018, a national tourism policy brought about a sharp rise in foreign visitors, sparking widespread development and infrastructural changes. Locals are hopeful about the economic potential of increased tourism, but worried about the rapid transformation of their city, while UNESCO has asked the government to reconsider its plans. Explore the challenges Samarkand faces as it navigates a tourism boom.

BS1 [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight

NHK BS1 2020.03.02 14:00 – 14:28 (28分)


BS1 [プロデュース・演出] BS1スペシャル
再エネ100%をめざせ! ビジネス界が挑む気候危機

NHK BS1 2020.03.01 20:00 – 20:49 (49分)



NHK World [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight
Returning from ISIL: Kazakhstan

NHK World 2020.02.14 10:30 – 11:00 / 16:30 – 17:00 / 19:30 – 20:00 / 28:30 – 29:00 (JST)

In 2017, the militant group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was all but defeated by international forces in Syria. Its membership had included over 40,000 people from 110 different countries, and their repatriation became a major issue. In 2019, Kazakhstan became one of the first countries to begin repatriating its citizens. It has now returned over 600 people to Kazakh soil. The male fighters remain imprisoned, while women and children undergo counseling and training at rehabilitation centers near their homes. Hear about how these women came to join ISIL, their life in ISIL – controlled territory, and how they feel now they have returned.

NHK World [演出] Medical Frontiers
Cutting-Edge Cancer Treatments: Advancing Genomic Medicine

NHK World 2020.01.20 20:30 – 21:00 / 01.21 02:00 – 03:00 / 08:30 – 09:00 / 14:30 – 15:00

Genomic medicine is undergoing rapid change after the Japanese public health insurance system began to cover genetic testing in 2019. Cancer patients who meet certain criteria are able to take these tests for a relatively affordable price, and their genetic information is collected in a massive database and analyzed with the help of around 170 hospitals across the country. But challenges remain, with suitable drugs available for only 10% of patients who undergo testing

NHK World [プロデュース・演出] No More Plastic: In Search of a Sustainable Future

Part 1: Clearing Plastic from the Ocean
NHK World 2019.12.21(土) 10:10 – 11:00 / 16:10 – 17:00 / 22:10 – 23:00 / 28:10 – 29:00

Plastic pollution litters the world’s oceans. It’s damaging marine wildlife and ecosystems. A war on plastic is breaking out. In part 1 of this 2-part series, we meet Dutch young pioneer Boyan Slat’s team working to clear plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They have developed a system based on a 600-meter long floating tube. We also look at how microplastics affect living creatures and explore a shocking study that shows how plastic is contributing to rising levels of greenhouse gases.

Part 2: Frontlines of Global Business
NHK World 2019.12.28(土) 10:10 – 11:00 / 16:10 – 17:00 / 22:10 – 23:00 / 28:10 – 29:00

Plastic pollution litters the world’s oceans. The move away from the use of plastic is currently gaining steam around the globe. In part 2 of this series, we look at business trends leading us away from a world of plastic and towards circular economies. One example is a Japanese startup hoping to sell its proprietary recycling technology abroad. And also we look at disposable plastics regulation strategies in France and New York City. Can we find ways to leave our plastic civilization behind?

BS1 [プロデュース・演出] BS1スペシャル
大水害 メガシティを襲う洪水・高潮の脅威2019

NHK BS1 2019.12.19 20:00 – 21:49 (109分)



BSP [プロデュース・演出] ザ・ベストテレビ 2019

NHK BSプレミアム
第一部: 2019.10.20 12:00 – 16:29 (269分)  第二部: 2019.10.21 13:00 – 16:01 (181分)


ETV特集「静かで、にぎやかな世界 手話で生きる子どもたち」(NHK)
▽日本民間放送連盟賞 テレビ報道番組
メ~テレドキュメント「葬られた危機 ~イラク日報問題の原点~」(名古屋テレビ放送)
▽日本民間連盟賞 テレビ教養番組
「拉致と言えなくて ~寺越さん母子の55年~」(テレビ金沢)

NHKスペシャル「消えた弁護士たち ~中国”法治”社会の現実~」(NHK)
BS1スペシャル「テロリストの母と呼ばれて 闘いと再生の記録」(アマゾンラテルナ/NHK)

【司会】三宅 民夫、千葉 美乃梨
【ゲスト】森 達也(作家・映画監督)、梯 久美子(ノンフィクション作家)、ヴァージル・ホーキンス(大阪大学大学院 准教授)
【制作者ゲスト】平良 いずみ(沖縄テレビ放送)、村井 晶子(NHKエデュケーショナル)、村瀬 史憲(名古屋テレビ放送)、岡本 達生(テレビ金沢)、黒柳 誠司(NHKエンタープライズ)、竹岡 寛俊

BS1 [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight

NHK BS1 2019.06.24 14:00 – 14:28 (28分)


BS1 [プロデュース・演出] BS1スペシャル
“脱プラスチック”への挑戦 ~持続可能な地球をめざして~

NHK BS1 2019.04.12 22:00 – 23:50 (99分)


【出演】トーマス・フリードマン,ヨハン・ロックストローム 【語り】窪田等

NHK World [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight
Marriage and Migrant Workers – Tajikistan

NHK World 2019.03.22

Domestic happiness in Tajikistan, Central Asia, once meant an arranged marriage and children. But in recent years, the custom is on the decline.
One key factor is the massive rise in migrant workers, forced to move away to Russia because their own country has no industry. 40% of working-age Tajiks now work abroad. This makes it difficult for men to find a bride, and many wives end up abandoned when their husbands return alone to their jobs and lives abroad. Explore how marriage and labor are changing in Tajikistan.

Official Web Site

BS1 [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight

NHK BS1 2019.02.25 14:00 – 14:28 (28分)


NHK World [企画・演出・コーディネート] Asia Insight
Reviving a Silk Road Tradition

NHK World 2019.02.22

Uzbekistan’s capital Tashkent was once an oasis along the Silk Road. Today, local fashion workshop Bibi Hanum is creating items that use the patterns and crafts of ikat, a traditional woven fabric. Workshop founder and designer Muhayo Aliyeva works with the rural artisans who have kept the technique alive. She creates modern dresses and accessories as a way to convey the beauty of ikat to a wider audience. Aliyeva hopes to not only conserve traditional crafts, but to also increase female employment through her workshop and partners’ studios. Follow Aliyeva as she works alongside local women to revive the traditions of the Silk Road.

Official Web Site

BSP [プロデュース・演出] ザ・ベストテレビ 2018

NHK BSプレミアム
第一部: 2018.10.14 12:45 – 16:30 (225分) 第二部: 2018.10.15 12:30 – 16:39 (249分)


メ~テレドキュメント「防衛フェリー ~民間船と戦争~」(名古屋テレビ放送)
映像’17「教育と愛国 ~教科書でいま何が起きているのか~」(毎日放送)
▽日本民間放送連盟賞 テレビ報道番組

BS1スペシャル「父を捜して ~日系オランダ人 終わらない戦争~」(椿プロ, NHKエンタープライズ, NHK)
▽日本民間放送連盟賞 テレビ教養番組
NNNドキュメント’16「知られざる被爆米兵 ~ヒロシマの墓標は語る~」(広島テレビ放送)

【司会】三宅 民夫、雨宮 萌果
【ゲスト】森 達也(作家・映画監督)、梯 久美子(ノンフィクション作家)、小原 一真(フォトジャーナリスト)
【制作者ゲスト】依田 恵美子(名古屋テレビ放送)、斉加 尚代(毎日放送)、佐々木 聰(山口放送)
        中村 育子(信越放送)、金本 麻理子(椿プロ)、加藤 紗千子(広島テレビ放送)

BSP [演出] アナザーストーリーズ 運命の分岐点
小室哲哉という”革命” ~メガヒット連発 その光と影~

NHK BSプレミアム 2018.09.25 21:00 – 21:59 (59分)


【司会】沢尻エリカ 【語り】濱田岳

NHK World [演出] Medical Frontiers
Our Internal Clocks and Health

NHK World 2018.03.13

Research has revealed that we have numerous biological clocks that each operate on an approximately 24-hour cycle. If those clocks go out of sync, we may face an increased vulnerability to various kinds of diseases. We focus on how understanding your circadian rhythm is used to discover more effective ways to prevent or treat illnesses, such as meal plans to adjust our body clocks and cancer treatments with fewer side effects. We also learn about what food items to eat and when, to prevent obesity and get a good night’s sleep.

Official Website

BS1 [制作・演出] シリーズ “脱炭素革命”
第3回 激変する世界ビジネス グローバル企業の挑戦

NHK BS1 2018.03.12 23:00 – 23:50 (49分)

NHKスペシャル「激変する世界ビジネス 脱炭素革命の衝撃」の完全版。



BS1 [企画・制作・演出] シリーズ “脱炭素革命”
第2回 激変する電力ビジネス 再生可能エネルギーへシフト

NHK BS1 2018.03.05 23:00 – 23:50 (49分)

NHKスペシャル「激変する世界ビジネス 脱炭素革命の衝撃」の完全版。



NHK World [制作・演出] Zero Carbon Ahead
Part 3 – The Global Business Frontline

NHK World 2018.03.03

The Paris Agreement aims to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050, which has sped up the growth of “zero-carbon” business worldwide. Part 3 of Zero Carbon Ahead looks at this trend. The world’s biggest solar power station is currently being built in the deserts of the United Arab Emirates — the power it generates will be far cheaper than coal. Dramatic decreases like this in the cost of renewable energy mean that many businesses hope to eventually use renewables for 100% of their energy needs. P&G, one of the world’s biggest consumer-goods corporations, and manufacturing giant GE, which uses AI and smart factories to cut energy use, are 2 such companies featured on this program. China’s leader Xi Jinping has spoken about creating an “ecological civilization”, and Chinese solar and wind energy firms are pursuing new business abroad. Wall Street and in the US, the financial and insurance sectors are investing vast sums into zero-carbon, despite President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Japan is under fire for failing to ride the zero-carbon wave. Fujitsu and other Japanese firms are struggling to achieve low-carbon goals along with their suppliers. The race to reduce carbon emissions to zero is heating up. We report on the latest trends in the world of zero-carbon business.

Official Website